
IoT-WaterPump for automatic/smart irrigation or gardening

Primary LanguageC++




2.Arduino soil-moisture sensor

3.Single channel realy(active High type)

4.GSM to WiFi modem for internet connectivity.


Automatically water the plantation sensing the moisture level of the soil and turning on/off a water pump via relay. Also make a http post about the pump status once its changed.


Currently the code (ESP8266/IoT_Water_Pump/) hits a link every time the pump status is changed from "off" to "on" (or "on" to "off") and make a http post in the server. The data is then shown in a basic table here: http://iotpump.ahmadsum1.dx.am/ this could be useful while debugging/testing.


Made a enclosure in fusion360 for 3d printing. 3d files are available here https://grabcad.com/library/iot-pump-controller-box-1

features to be added

Remote control the pump over internet(currently just getting the status).