
Torch implementation for CVPR 18 paper: "LayoutNet: Reconstructing the 3D Room Layout from a Single RGB Image"

Primary LanguageMatlabMIT LicenseMIT


Torch implementation for CVPR 18 paper: "LayoutNet: Reconstructing the 3D Room Layout from a Single RGB Image"


  • Linux
  • Torch 7
  • Matlab


  • Download preprocessed (aligned to horizontal floor plane) training/validation/testing data to current folder

This includes the panoramas from both the panoContext dataset and our labeled stanford 2d-3d dataset.

  • Download groundtruth data to current folder

This includes the groundtruth 2D posiiton of room corners in .mat format from the two dataset

Pretrained model

  • Download our pretrained model to current folder

This includes the pretrained full approach on the panoContext dataset, the joint boudary and corner prediction branch, the single boundary prediction branch and the 3D layout box regressor.

Train network

  • To train our full approach:
th driver_pano_full.lua

Note that this loads the pretrained joint prediction branch and the 3D layout box regressor.

  • To train the joint prediction branch of boudary and corner:
th driver_pano_joint.lua

Note that this loads the pretrained boundary prediction branch.

  • To train the boudary prediction branch
th driver_pano_edg.lua
  • To train the layout box regressor:
th driver_pano_box.lua

Test network

  • To test on our full approach:
th testNet_pano_full.lua

This saves predicted boundary, corner and 3D layout parameter in "result/" folder


  • To Add Manhattan constraints and optimize for a better layout, open Matlab, then:
cd matlab

This loads saved predictions from the network output and performs sampling.


We provide the Matlab evaluation code for 3D IoU (compute3dOcc_eval.m) and the generation of 2D layout label (getSegMask_eval.m) for evaluating layout pixel accuracy.


Please cite our paper for any purpose of usage.

  title={LayoutNet: Reconstructing the 3D Room Layout from a Single RGB Image},
  author={Zou, Chuhang and Colburn, Alex and Shan, Qi and Hoiem, Derek},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.08999},