
Python Bindings for roscpp

Primary LanguageC++


Catkin package with python bindings for roscpp to ensure that ros::init() and ros::shutdown() are called appropiately. Code adapted from moveit's ROScppInitializer Class. For use case, see ROS tutorial on how to use a C++ Class with ROS Messages in Python.

Currently only works with Python 3 and has only been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.


Install the appropiate version of ROS and the following dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev python3-dev libpython3-dev python-catkin-tools

Handling Multiple Python Versions

Follow the instructions in this section if you have multiple versions of python on your machine to make sure Boost can find python 3. Use pkg-config to find the correct python3 include directory. Your output should be similar to:

$ pkg-config --cflags python3
-I/usr/include/python3.5m -I/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/python3.5m

Then run echo $CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH to check if it has the first include path listed above. If not, then add the following to your .bashrc: export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH:/usr/include/python3.5m/". Remember to use the path outputed by pkg-config.


Clone the package into a catkin workspace and build the workspace:

$ mkdir catkin_ws
$ cd catkin_ws && mkdir src $$ cd src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ git clone https://github.com/vinitha910/roscpp_initializer.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin build

Include the following lines in your python script before instanciating the python-wrapped C++ class that requires ros::NodeHandle:

from roscpp_initializer import roscpp_initializer
roscpp_initializer.roscpp_init("NODE_NAME", [])