
Some questions about data

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Hi, thank you for sharing the nice work, I have problem understanding some of the dataset, hope you can resolve my follow questions:

  1. where is the cam.pos ?
  2. what is the meanings of SH, CR and NU, I guess that Sphere, Camera and .... NULL?
  3. why the primitives.prim file in different TRAIN scenes contains different times ID loop of 00...22 ? and it seems that 21 and 22 are always NU.
  4. what the six parameters mean?
    PL07 1.0609230995178223 0.8599799275398254 1.5035672187805176 0 0 1

Would you like to help me resolve the questions? Thank you very much.

@duanshun can you please help answer the above question? Thank you.