Organellar genome assembly

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

An efficient assembly toolkit for organellar genomes

Release Version License Last Commit

If you encounter any problems in using PMAT2, please contact the authors by e-mail (Changwei Bi: bichwei@njfu.edu.cn; Fuchuan Han: hanfc@caf.ac.cn) to join the WeChat group (please note your name + organization + PMAT2 in the message).

Install using git

git clone https://github.com/aiPGAB/PMAT2
cd PMAT2
./PMAT --help

Install by downloading the source codes

wget https://github.com/aiPGAB/PMAT2/archive/refs/tags/v2.1.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf PMAT2-2.1.0.tar.gz
cd PMAT2-2.1.0
./PMAT --help

Run PMAT autoMito --help to view the usage guide.

Usage: PMAT autoMito [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-t SEQTYPE] [options]
       PMAT autoMito -i hifi.fastq.gz -o hifi_assembly -t hifi -m -T 8
       PMAT autoMito -i ont.fastq.gz -o ont_assembly -t ont -S nextdenovo -C canu -N nextdenovo
       PMAT autoMito -i clr.fastq.gz -o clr_assembly -t clr -S canu -C canu

Required options:
   -i, --input          Input sequence file (fasta/fastq)
   -o, --output         Output directory
   -t, --seqtype        Sequence type (hifi/ont/clr)

Optional options:
   -k, --kmer           kmer size for estimating genome size (default: 31)
   -g, --genomesize     Genome size (g/m/k), skip genome size estimation if set
   -p, --task           Task type (0/1), skip error correction for ONT/CLR by selecting 0, otherwise 1 (default: 1)
   -G, --organelles     Genome organelles (mt/pt/all, default: mt)
   -x, --taxo           Specify the organism type (0/1), 0: plants, 1: animals (default: 0)
   -S, --correctsoft    Error correction software (canu/nextdenovo, default: nextdenovo)
   -C, --canu           Canu path
   -N, --nextdenovo     NextDenovo path
   -n, --cfg            Config file for nextdenovo (default: temprun.cfg)
   -F, --factor         Subsample factor (default: 1)
   -D, --subseed        Random number seeding when extracting subsets (default: 6)
   -K, --breaknum       Break long reads (>30k) with this (default: 20000)
   -I, --minidentity    Set minimum overlap identity (default: 90)
   -L, --minoverlaplen  Set minimum overlap length (default: 40)
   -T, --cpu            Number of threads (default: 8)
   -m, --mem            Keep sequence data in memory to speed up computation
   -h, --help           Show this help message and exit


  1. Make sure BLASTn was installed in PATH.
  2. If you want to use nextdenovo for ONT/CLR error correction, you can skip providing a cfg file, and the program will generate a temporary cfg file automatically.
  3. -k: If seqtype is hifi, skip kmer frequency estimation and genome size estimation.
  4. -m: Keep sequence data in memory to speed up computation.
  5. -I: minimum overlap identity (default: 90). If the assembly graph is complex, you can increase it appropriately.
  6. -L: minimum overlap length (default: 40), if it is HiFi data, you can increase it appropriately.

If PMAT fails to generate the assembly graph in 'autoMito' mode, you can use this command to manually select seeds for assembly.

Run PMAT graphBuild --help to view the usage guide.

Usage: PMAT graphBuild [-i SUBSAMPLE] [-a ASSEMBLY] [-o OUTPUT] [options]
       PMAT graphBuild -i assembly_test1/subsample -a assembly_test1/assembly_result -o graphBuild_result -s 1 312 356 -T 8
       PMAT graphBuild -i assembly_test1/subsample -a assembly_test1/assembly_result -o graphBuild_result -d 5 -s 1 312 356 -T 8

Required options:
   -i, --subsample     Input subsample directory (assembly_test1/subsample)
   -a, --graphinfo     Input assembly result directory (assembly_test1/assembly_result)
   -o, --output        Output directory

Optional options:
   -G, --organelles     Genome organelles (mt: mitochondria/pt: plastid, default: mt)
   -x, --taxo           Specify the organism type (0/1), 0: plants, 1: animals (default: 0)
   -d, --depth          Contig depth threshold
   -s, --seeds          ContigID for extending. Multiple contigIDs should be separated by space. For example: 1 312 356
   -T, --cpu            Number of threads (default: 8)
   -h, --help           Show this help message and exit


  1. Make sure BLASTn was installed in PATH.
  2. -i: assembly_test1/subsample generated by autoMito command.
  3. -a: assembly_test1/assembly_result generated by autoMito command.
  4. -s: Manually select the seeds for the extension. Use spaces to split between different seed IDs, e.g. 1,312,356.


  1. Arabidopsis thaliana dataset (550Mb):
## download the dataset
wget https://github.com/bichangwei/PMAT/releases/download/v1.1.0/Arabidopsis_thaliana_550Mb.fa.gz

## run autoMito command
PMAT autoMito -i Arabidopsis_thaliana_550Mb.fa.gz -o ./test1 -t hifi -m

## run graphBuild command (when autoMito fails)
PMAT graphBuild -i ./test1/subsample/ -a ./test1/assembly_result/ -o ./test1_gfa -s 1 2 3 -d 5

The PMAT_orgAss.txt file contains the following information:

             Mitochondrial Assembly Assessment             

 Basic Statistics:
 Total contigs:          16  
 Total length:           367.8 kb
 Average depth:          28.4 x
 Total genes found:      24/24 (100.0%)
 Duplicated contigs:     3   

 Per-contig Details:
 Contig ID   Genes     Gene List           
 300         4         atp1,cox1,nad1,nad2 
 2150        1         atp6                
 908         4         atp9,ccmB,cox2,nad9 
 1221        2         atp4,nad4L          
 729         4         ccmC,ccmFn,cox3,nad3
 727         1         nad3                
 1524        1         atp9                
 2150        1         atp6                
 749         6         atp8,matR,mttB,na...
 298         3         ccmFc,cob,nad6      


  1. Malus domestica dataset (540Mb):
## download the dataset
wget https://github.com/bichangwei/PMAT/releases/download/v1.1.0/Malus_domestica.540Mb.fasta.gz

## run autoMito command
PMAT autoMito -i Malus_domestica.540Mb.fasta.gz -o ./test2 -t hifi -m

## run graphBuild command (when autoMito fails)
PMAT graphBuild -i ./test2/subsample/ -a ./test2/assembly_result/ -o ./test2_gfa -s 10 20 30 -d 5

The PMAT_orgAss.txt file contains the following information:

             Mitochondrial Assembly Assessment             

 Basic Statistics:
 Total contigs:          4   
 Total length:           397.0 kb
 Average depth:          31.1 x
 Total genes found:      24/24 (100.0%)
 Duplicated contigs:     1   

 Per-contig Details:
 Contig ID   Genes     Gene List           
 1           20        atp1,atp4,atp8,at...
 2           6         atp6,atp9,matR,na...


  1. Download tested CLR data for Phaseolus vulgaris using IBM Aspera:
ascp -v -QT -l 400m -P33001 -k1 -i ~/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh era-fasp@fasp.sra.ebi.ac.uk:/vol1/fastq/SRR291/006/SRR2912756/SRR2912756_subreads.fastq.gz .
  1. then run the autoMito command for one-click assembly (CLR):
PMAT autoMito -i SRR2912756_subreads.fastq.gz -o ./test_clr -t clr -N path/nextDenovo -m


  1. Download tested ONT data for Populus deltoides using IBM Aspera:
ascp -v -QT -l 400m -P33001 -k1 -i ~/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh era-fasp@fasp.sra.ebi.ac.uk:/vol1/fastq/SRR122/038/SRR12202038/SRR12202038_1.fastq.gz  .
  1. then run the autoMito command for one-click assembly (ONT):
PMAT autoMito -i SRR12202038_1.fastq.gz -o ./test_ont -t ont -S canu -C path/canu -m

Dataset Size Options Run time Coverage
Arabidopsis thaliana 550Mb -T 50 6m27s 4x
Arabidopsis thaliana 550Mb -T 50 -m 6m38s 4x
Malus domestica 540Mb -T 50 7m38s <1x
Malus domestica 540Mb -T 50 -m 7m19s <1x
Juncus effusus 216Mb -T 50 4m56s <1x
Juncus effusus 216Mb -T 50 -m 4m48s <1x
├── assembly_result/
│   ├── PMATAllContigs.fna       # Assembly contigs
│   └── PMATContigGraph.txt      # Contig relationships
├── gfa_result/
│   ├── PMAT_mt_raw.gfa          # Initial mitogenome graph
│   ├── PMAT_mt_main.gfa         # Optimized mitogenome graph
│   ├── PMAT_mt.fasta            # Final mitogenome assembly
│   ├── PMAT_pt_raw.gfa          # Initial chloroplast graph
│   ├── PMAT_pt_main.gfa         # Optimized chloroplast graph
│   └── PMAT_pt_main.fa          # Final chloroplast assembly
├── gkmer_result/
|   ├── gkmer_histo.txt          # Kmer frequency
|   └── summary.txt              # genome size estimation
├── subsample/
│   └── PMAT_cut_seq.fa          # Subsampled reads for assembly
└── PMAT_orgAss.txt              # Organellar assembly assessment/

PMAT version 2.0.1 (24/11/21)

  • Optimized the assembly strategy for organellar genomes, enabling faster and more accurate capture of organellar genome sequences.
  • Implemented the assembly of animal and plant organellar genomes.
  • Enhanced the genome graph untangling functionality for organellar genomes, enabling resolution of more complex structures.
  • Parallelized key steps in the workflow, significantly improving runtime efficiency.

PMAT version 2.1.0 (25/2/1)

  • Added orgAss module to evaluate the completeness of the assembly results.

Bi C, Shen F, Han F, Qu Y, et al. PMAT: an efficient plant mitogenome assembly toolkit using ultra-low coverage HiFi sequencing data. Horticulture Research. (2024). uhae023, https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhae023.
Bi C, Qu Y, Hou J, Wu K, Ye N, and Yin T. (2022). Deciphering the multi-chromosomal mitochondrial genome of Populus simonii. Front. Plant Sci. 13:914635.doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.914635.