
An asset that allows you to easily generate terrain automatically.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Unity Procedural terrain generation

An asset that allows you to easily generate terrain automatically.

  • These assets support the generation of HeightMap.
  • By combining various noises, flexible expressions are possible.


Basic Generation

var landMap = new LandMap();
var lmHeightMap = new LmHeightMap();

var mesh = landMap
            .AddEffect(new Smooth(smoothLevel))
            .AddEffect(new PerlinNoise(perlin))
            .AddEffect(new OctavePerlinNoise(octave))
            .AddEffect(new ComplexErosion(carryingCapacity, depositionSpeed, iterationCount, drop))
            .AddEffect(new FractalBrownianMotion(octaves, lacunarity, gain))
            .AddEffect(new Combine(otherLandMap))
            .CreateMesh(new LmMesh(lmHeightMap, size, height));

image.sprite = Sprite.Create(lmHeightMap.HeightMap, new Rect(0, 0, 255, 255), Vector2.zero);
GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;
GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = mesh;

The current version includes the six features listed above, and an easily extendable interface if it is missing.


public interface ILandMapEffector
  void Effect(Landmap landMap);

Inheriting the above interface, you can use the Get/SetHeight methods in LandMap to make changes to Landmap. The extensions you create can be easily used with LandMap.

For an extended example, see PerlinNoise.cs in ProceduralGeneration.Effect.

Feature Outlook and Todo

  • Support for DOTS!
  • Improved generation method when not using HeightMap.
