
Dynamics Library designed for Free Floating Robots

Primary LanguageC++

iDynTree Build Status Build status

iDynTree is a library of robots dynamics algorithms for control, estimation and simulation.

iDynTree is specifically designed for free-floating robots, but it is possible to use it also with fixed-base robots.

iDynTree is written in C++ language, but thanks to SWIG it is possible to use the iDynTree algorithms in several other languages. Support and documentation is provided in particular for C++, Matlab, Python and Lua. If you are interested in using iDynTree with another programming language, feel free to create a new issue requesting support for it.



iDynTree is developed in the context of the CoDyCo European Project. For this reason it is usually installed throught the codyco-superbuild, an easy way to download, compile and install the CoDyCo software on multiple operating systems, using the CMake build system and its extension YCM. For more informations on the superbuild concept, please check YCM documentation.

If you are not interested in installing all the CoDyCo software it is still possible to install iDynTree without installing the rest of the CoDyCo software. For this reason a superbuild to install iDynTree and all its dependencies is available at: https://github.com/robotology-playground/iDynTree-superbuild . Please check the README of that repo for information on how to install iDynTree and all its dependencies. Note that the codyco-superbuild is much more used then the iDynTree-superbuild, so it may be easier for you (especially if people working on your lab already use the codyco-superbuild) to just use the codyco-superbuild for consistency.


To compile bindings to iDynTree in several scriping languages, you should enable them using the IDYNTREE_USES_PYTHON, IDYNTREE_USES_LUA, IDYNTREE_USES_MATLAB CMake options.

Several examples for using the bindigs are available in https://github.com/robotology-playground/idyntree/blob/master/doc/geometric_classes.md .

Then, properly accessing bindings to iDynTree can require some additional steps.


You should add to the PYTHONPATH enviromental variable the install path of the iDynTree.py file. For a typical installation of the codyco-superbuild, this will require adding to the .bashrc a line similar to this:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/src/codyco-superbuild/build/install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/


You should add to Matlab path the {CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/mex directory. By default this directory should be /usr/local/mex, or if you used a YCM superbuild something like SUPERBUILD_BUILD_DIRECTORY/install/mex.

Matlab bindings modifications

All the other bindings (Python,Lua, ...) are generated by SWIG and compiled on the fly by the user, by enabling the IDYNTREE_USES_LANGUAGE option. The Matlab bindings are an exception because they rely on an experimental version of Swig, developed for providing Matlab bindings for the casadi project. For this reason, usually the Matlab bindigs are not generated by the users, but by iDynTree developers that have a special experimental Swig version installed. The bindings code is then committed to the repository, and the IDYNTREE_USES_MATLAB option simply enables compilation of the bindings. If you want to regenerate the Matlab bindings, for example because you modified some iDynTree classes, you can install the experimental version of Swig with Matlab support at https://github.com/casadi/casadi/wiki/matlab (just follow the first 4 points in the guide) and then enable Matlab bindings generation with the IDYNTREE_GENERATE_MATLAB options. Currently we are commiting to the repo the matlab bindings generated with this commit of matlab-swig: https://github.com/jaeandersson/swig/commit/5d3770e452b71265162001c2249dea7961660629 . For more info on how to modify the matlab bindings, see https://github.com/robotology/idyntree/blob/master/doc/dev/faqs.md#how-to-add-wrap-a-new-class-or-function-with-swig .


Build dependencies


Topic C++ Matlab Python
Use of the DynamicsComputation class for computing Jacobians and Dynamics Regressor doc/dcTutorialCpp.md NA NA
Use of the ExtWrenchesAndJointTorquesEstimator class for computing offset for FT sensors NA examples/matlab/SixAxisFTOffsetEstimation/SixAxisFTOffsetEstimation.m NA
How to get the axis of a revolute joint expressed in a arbitary frame using the KinDynComputations class NA examples/matlab/GetJointAxesInWorldFrame.m NA

Are you interested in a tutorial on a specific feature or algorithm? Just request it on an enhancement issue.


The documentation for the complete API of iDynTree is automatically extracted from the C++ code using Doxygen, and is available at the URL : http://wiki.icub.org/codyco/dox/html/idyntree/html/.


Announcements on new releases, API changes or other news are done on the robotcub-hackers mailing list, you can subscribe at https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/robotcub-hackers .

Developer Documentation

If you want to contribute to iDynTree development, please check the Developer's FAQ.

Reference paper

A paper describing the algorithms implemented in iDynTree and their use in a real world scenario can be downloaded here . If you're going to use this library for your work, please quote it within any resulting publication:

F. Nori, S. Traversaro, J. Eljaik, F. Romano, A. Del Prete, D. Pucci "iCub whole-body control through force regulation on rigid non-coplanar contacts", Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2015.

The bibtex code for including this citation is provided:

  AUTHOR={Nori, Francesco  and  Traversaro, Silvio  and  Eljaik, Jorhabib  and  Romano, Francesco  and  Del Prete, Andrea  and  Pucci, Daniele},
  TITLE={iCub Whole-body Control through Force Regulation on Rigid Noncoplanar Contacts},
  JOURNAL={Frontiers in Robotics and AI},


The development of iDynTree is supported by the FP7 EU projects CoDyCo (No. 600716 ICT 2011.2.1 Cognitive Systems and Robotics) and Koroibot (No. 611909 ICT- 2013.2.1 Cognitive Systems and Robotics). The development is also supported by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia.