
run demo_cityscapes error, help, thanks

fireflychh opened this issue · 1 comments

when I run the demo_cityscapes,thers is a error, I didn't use the matconvnet before, so I don't know what happend, help me, thanks. error is:
Error using vl_nnconv
An input is not a numeric array (or GPU support not compiled).

Error in dagnn.Conv/forward (line 11)
outputs{1} = vl_nnconv(...

Error in dagnn.Layer/forwardAdvanced (line 85)
outputs = obj.forward(inputs, {net.params(par).value}) ;

Error in dagnn.DagNN/eval (line 104)
obj.layers(l).block.forwardAdvanced(obj.layers(l)) ;

Error in demo_Cityscapes (line 177)
netMat.eval(inputs) ;