- 0
plot_3d function does not show any plot
#361 opened by pvtoan - 4
- 3
init_gessd failed init on Plane.best_fit
#359 opened by croemheld - 2
Any plans to support numpy>=2.1 ?
#357 opened by manuel-koch - 1
Can I intersect a Line with a LineSegment?
#355 opened by rk-exxec - 1
Document opperators
#354 opened by garyvdm - 0
Algorithm used for SVD Plane fitting
#350 opened by ArenaGrenade - 2
Problem with pyinstaller with version 7.1.0
#344 opened by jmspereira - 2
#316 opened by blairstar - 6
Wrong line intersection point calculation
#341 opened by banderlog - 4
Plane from normal vector and point.
#340 opened by MikiGrit - 1
`Ellipse`/`Ellipsoid` classes
#339 opened by CristianoPizzamiglio - 3
`Line.distance_line` bug?
#337 opened by free-soellingeraj - 8
#318 opened by mrrezaie - 3
- 1
2D geometry problem: fillet two curves
#333 opened by typhoon71 - 12
[Feature request] defining a Circle() from 3 points
#330 opened by typhoon71 - 5
Vector from angle
#328 opened by typhoon71 - 3
- 13
- 5
Intersection between 2 Circles
#323 opened by typhoon71 - 2
- 4
Faster Line.best_fit with scipy.sparse.linalg.svds
#309 opened by seirios - 2
`angle_signed` for 3D Vectors
#314 opened by CristianoPizzamiglio - 6
Value range for fitted plane is not right
#310 opened by maxim0815 - 3
Add object for line segment (closed line)
#311 opened by maxim0815 - 2
Slicing the Vector
#305 opened by akuznetsov1 - 2
- 2
- 4
- 3
Why use importlib-metadata version 1.x?
#290 opened by kye9216789 - 7
limit to only 3 points in project_point()
#276 opened by 3DMiller - 4
Polygon object
#289 opened by pauljurczak - 2
How to add axes labels to plot?
#288 opened by jiunyen-ching - 11
Is this intersection correct?
#283 opened by pauljurczak - 4
plot_3d doesn't work. Am I missing dependencies?
#282 opened by pauljurczak - 5
ImportError: cannot import name 'Cylinder'
#278 opened by pauljurczak - 3
Point - Line Distance Method
#273 opened - 1
Do you plan to add polyhedron object?
#272 opened by AlfredQin - 4
- 3
intersection with cylinder
#234 opened by Jonas231 - 5
best_fit for sphere object
#241 opened by martxelo - 3
Best fit plane
#239 opened by sangelovich - 3
NameError: name 'Vector' is not defined
#237 opened by Xieyuan0018 - 0
Dependabot couldn't authenticate with
#232 opened by dependabot-preview - 1
collab with `pygal`?
#59 opened by wolfv