PyTextureAnalysis is a Python package for analyzing the texture of images. It includes functions for calculating local orientation, degree of coherence, and structure tensor of an image. This package is built using NumPy, SciPy and OpenCV.
- agravierSEEK
- ajinkya-kulkarniMax Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences
- ajr82
- AnaAquilesCNRS, France
- anatolicvsTechnical University of Berlin
- bhagwatradhika
- DragonflyRoboticsDeepShift Labs
- ferdiUP
- florencejtLondon
- glitchyordis
- hladuvkaSlovakia
- IRebriMSU
- JadeGeek
- jetsen-os
- jorbecalona@mdai
- kaabirlocalhost
- lvbauer
- MadGod29Pune, India
- martinschatz-czUCT Prague, VMCF - Science Faculty of Charles University, Natinal Technical Library in Prague
- MatousE@FrancisCrickInstitute
- MohammedAmine-ELHARCHI
- morhadar
- orangeccc
- Sarpongmaa
- theanegaVall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO)
- ZHEGGSouth China University of Technology