
Some screen space image effects implemented in Unity3D.

Primary LanguageShaderLab

Screen Space Effects

Some screen space image effects implemented in Unity3D.
Some of the effects are demonstrated on a still from Big Buck Bunny, (c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation / www.bigbuckbunny.org.

Currently Implemented:

  • Edge detection shader
    • Supports 3 sampling kernels (Sobel, Scharr, Prewitt).
    • Either display the gradients or add or subtract those from the input image.
  • Pixel based cel shading effect by limiting the number of available colors.
  • Multi-pass Gaussian blur, support for varying radius and standard deviation.
  • Bloom, using the Gaussian blur to create bleed-over from bright parts of the image.


Display of the gradients as found by the Sobel filter

Using the Sobel filter to create a black outline effect

Using the Sobel filter to create a neon overlay effect

Pixel based cel shading effect

Gaussian blur