
3D collision detection written in golang

Primary LanguageGo


Collision detection library written in golang.


Learnopengl tutorial about the 2D collision detection. Nehe tutorial about the collision detection. MDN tutorial about the 3D collision detection.


  • Point - Sphere
  • Point - AABB
  • AABB - Sphere
  • Sphere - Sphere
  • Distance - It returns the distance of a given vector and the bo.
  • ClosestPoint - It returns the closest point of the bo to the given vector.

What is a Point?

It is a structure that holds only a position (x, y, z coordinates).

What is an AABB

Axis aligned bounding box. It holds its center position, and the lenght of the sides of the box (x, y, z coordinates, width, length, height).

What is a Sphere

It holds it's center point's position and the radius of the sphere (x, y, z coordinates, radius).