BubbleTabBar is a bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble-like tabs
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Java Programing
#57 opened by denidarmayana - 0
Bottom Navigation Without Label / Text
#56 opened by mnaufalhamdani - 2
How to connect with NavController in Java?
#48 opened by mso45mso - 1
Adding dynamic data.
#53 opened by akkisjoy - 1
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Customize MenuItem title.
#6 opened by ionate12 - 1
setTypeface dynamically from code
#50 opened by AkshayToraskar - 4
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Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int io.ak1.Bubble.getId()' on a null object reference
#36 opened by heskadon - 1
How To Perform Android Instrument Testing
#37 opened by heskadon - 1
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Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int io.ak1.Bubble.getId()' on a null object reference
#34 opened by ayodkay - 1
Cannot Change the color of text
#29 opened by a-adevelopers - 4
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Animation time
#26 opened by kmikusek - 1
different fragment
#27 opened by FazriArrashyi - 1
android:iconTint not working for API < 26
#21 opened by kmikusek - 1
Background is not set properly for API < 23
#22 opened by kmikusek - 2
ViewPager2 Support
#17 opened by ionate12 - 2
Icon color
#8 opened by huutho-dev - 2
NavController Support
#16 opened by sherwin14 - 3
Is there a version that works with API 16 ?
#12 opened by steve111MV - 3
Bubble tab stutters
#13 opened by dighechinmay - 2
Custom Font
#7 opened by harshsingh98 - 2
Make tab scrollable
#9 opened by IvanMazzoli - 1
Change selected item programatically
#5 opened by Tsabary - 2
Java compatible
#1 opened by rajam1215 - 4
Change Tab Colors
#2 opened by ghulamsabir - 3
How to Add Fragments ?
#3 opened by rajam1215