
This repository contains solutions to the programming exercises for MAL403 - Numerical Linear Algebra open course offered by Mathematics Dept., VNIT, Nagpur

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This repository contains solutions to the programming exercises for MAL403 - Numerical Linear Algebra open course offered by Mathematics Dept., VNIT, Nagpur

The questions of the assignment are as follows:

  1. Write a program to determine diagonal dominance (or otherwise) of given square matrix. Also find the magnitude of diagonal dominance (if so).
  2. Write a program for finding an estimate of condition number w.r.t. infinity norm for a diagonally dominant square matrix A.
  3. Write a program which gives the solution of the linear system, Ax = b, where A is diagonal, lower triangular, upper triangular, unitary.
  4. Write a program to find solution of the linear system Ax = b using Gauss Elimination with trivial pivoting.
  5. Write a program to find solution of the linear system Ax = b using Gauss Elimination with partial pivoting.
  6. Write a program to find solution of the linear system Ax = b using Gauss-Jordan elimination.
  7. Write a program to find inverse of non-singular matrix using Gauss-Jordan elimination.
  8. Write a progam to decompose non-singular matrix A as product LU of lower and upper triangular matrices L and U respectively.
    1. using Dolittle's method
    2. using Crout's method
  9. Find approximation of L2 Norm of A, where A is a lower triangular matrix using heuristic method
  10. Find approximation of L2 Norm of inverse of A, where A is a lower triangular matrix using heuristic method
  11. Find approximation of condition number of A w.r.t. L2 Norm, where A is a lower triangular matrix using heuristic method