
A visualization of the A-Star algorithm written both in Python and Java with the use of the Processing library and IDE.

Primary LanguageProcessing


A visualization of the A-Star algorithm written both in Python and Java with the use of the Processing library and IDE.

As mentioned above, this project uses the free Processing library for easy visualization, to run the project files you will need to download the proccesing IDE https://processing.org/download/.

The "AStar" folder is the project written in Python, while the "AStarJava" folder is the Java project.

The Python project is the simpler simulation of the A* algorithm working to find the shortest path through the "maze" from the top left corner to the bottom right. The Java project is an interactive visualization where clicking a tile will send the player on a path to that location, this code can be easily implemented to a top down game that requires mouse clicking for player movement, sort of like League of Legends or RimWorld.