
Downloads arbitrary qupath releases and stores them with bare version names

Primary LanguagePython

Download and install QuPath versions for Linux

This is a simple python script to download QuPath releases for Linux to the current directory. It also adds execute permissions to the main file, and adds QuPath to your applications menu, launcher, etc, with the correct icon.


Download the python script, make it executable (chmod +x download-qupath-version.py) and run it. You can specify a version or simply default to the latest release:

./download-qupath-version.py -v latest

or display help, in case I've added arguments that haven't been documented yet:

./download-qupath-version.py --help

You may also want to add QuPath to your $PATH, for example by running in the current directory (for latest):

ln -s $(pwd)/latest/bin/QuPath /usr/local/bin/QuPath

or for an arbitrary version:

ln -s $(pwd)/v0.4.3/bin/QuPath /usr/local/bin/QuPath


Uses a few python modules:

  • requests
  • argparse
  • sys
  • wget
  • os

Installation is handled by creating a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications, linking to the current directory.