This is the repo used for all of the benchmarking of ADVI, divide and conquer,
and, in a limited way, HMC.
It's located at:
First install miniconda:
Then make a conda environment containing snakemake for later.
conda create -n snakemake snakemake
If the following conda environment is available, use it:
If not, create the conda environment used in the analyses:
source ./src/
Most of the outputs are written to the creatively-named outputs
directory. I
have this set up to be in my scratch space, because the ouputs are large.
mkdir -p /exports/eddie/scratch/`whoami`/scalability
ln -s /exports/eddie/scratch/`whoami`/scalability outputs
Graphical and tabular outputs are saved to tables
and figs
Running scripts is handled by snakemake. I use a profile to handle resource allocation etc.
Then I'd just ssh wildwest
To actually run jobs, you need to specify the job limit and the profile:
conda activate snakemake
snakemake --jobs 250 --profile cluster-sync
On eddie you first you need to connect to a wild west node. I use node2c16
I have this set up in my ~/.ssh/config
as follows:
Host eddie
User s1372510
ForwardX11 yes
Host wildwest
Hostname node2c16
User s1372510
ProxyJump eddie
ForwardX11 yes