GridTimerView shows a schedule with timer controller. Each cell can manage multiple events. Used for listing TV shows in a table.
- alberdevAlicante, Spain
- AnnieNinaJoyceV@Trident-Solutions
- CavalcanteLeoFlnt
- chriswitkoSpain
- dbrownjavePrometheum Labs
- dokgi88Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Eduard1994
- EkeTbilisi
- ericmacielBelo Horizonte, MG
- Evolgence@Evolgence
- FluffyDev2019SPT
- fr4nk1Madrid
- gewillShanghai
- h36ahmedToronto, CA
- HlaingTinHtunSpiceFactory
- indyfromozLiana Solutions Pty Ltd
- ivanets@architectum
- javikrThe Clash Soft
- jdsmedeiros
- josedlpozo@get-base
- kapellanos
- kemalserkaniOS Developer
- littlehj
- mohsinalimatilol
- NamanVaishnavGujarat,India
- ram2386@proximity-tech
- Rathish11@zohocorporation
- saturngodCOMQUAS
- savasadarEflatun Yazılım
- SpectralDragon@AdaEngine
- stefanpopaChișinău, Moldova
- thanosbellos@pixit-labs
- tularovbeslan
- vicfran@idealista
- yevhenalexandrov
- zigzagg16BO·NO·BO