
A CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

CI License: MIT


A CHIP-8 emulator written in the Rust programming language.

Space Invaders screenshort


To build the emulator you need a Rust toolchain and the SDL2 bindings available on your system.

Once installed, run the build using Cargo:

$ git clone https://github.com/alberto-re/chip8-emu-rust
$ cd chip8-emu-rust
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/chip8-emu-rust --version
chip8-emu-rust 1.0.0

Running the emulator

Running the emulator is pretty straightforward, just specify using the --rom option the ROM to load at startup:

./target/release/chip8-emu-rust --rom roms/INVADERS

You can tweak the emulation speed and display scaling factor if needed. Add the --help option to see all the options available:

./target/release/chip8-emu-rust --help
A CHIP-8 emulator

Usage: chip8-emu-rust [OPTIONS] --rom <ROM>

  -r, --rom <ROM>
      --speed <SPEED>  [default: 1000]
      --scale <SCALE>  [default: 16]
  -h, --help           Print help
  -V, --version        Print version


The original CHIP-8 specification had a 16 key hexadecimal keypad with the following layout:

1 2 3 c
4 5 6 d
7 8 9 e
a 0 b f

The layout has been remapped onto a standard keyboard this way:

1 2 3 4
q w e r
a s d f
z x c v


There are plenty of information about CHIP-8 available, here are the sources that I consulted the most: