EmberConf 2016 Summary
A collection of links that cover what happened during EmberConf 2016. There is also a summary repo for EmberConf 2015.
Day 1
Live Blogs / Streams / Highlights
Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale
Opening Keynote by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/tomdale/emberconf-2016-keynote
- Links:
John Kleinschmidt
Using Service Workers in Ember by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://jkleinsc.github.io/emberconf2016
- Links:
Chris Ball
Cross-Pollinating Communities: We All Win by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/cball/cross-pollinating-communities-we-all-win
- Links:
Brenna O'Brien
<select>ing Good Ember Patterns by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://talks.brennaobrien.com/ember-select/selecting-good-ember-patterns.pdf
- Links:
Brigitte Warner
An Illustrated Guide to Ember by- Video: TBA
- Slides: TBA
Felix Rieseberg
Building Desktop Apps with Ember and Electron by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/felixrieseberg/emberconf-2016-building-desktop-apps-with-ember-and-electron
- Links:
Ju Liu
How I Learned to Love Ember by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/arkham/how-i-learned-to-love-ember
Alex Blom
Building Mobile Applications with Ember by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/AlexBlom/ember-conf-2016-building-mobile-apps-with-ember
- Links:
Chris LoPresto
Living Style Guide Driven Development by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://chrislopresto.com/presentations/living-style-guide-driven-development?c=false&h=0&ph=900&pw=1600&v=0
- Links:
Kelly Senna
Warp Speed Memory Management by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/ksenna/emberconf-2016-warp-speed-memory-management
Vaidehi Joshi
Debugging Ember With Empathy by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://slides.com/vaidehijoshi/debugging-ember-empathy#/
Estelle DeBlois
Dissecting an Ember CLI Build by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/brzpegasus/dissecting-an-ember-cli-build
- Links:
Chad Hietala
Ember at Scale by- Video: TBA
- Slides: Ember At Scale
- Links:
Mike Pack
You're Building a Distributed System! by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/mikepack/youre-building-a-distributed-system
- Links:
Ray Tiley
The Tale of Two Teams by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/raytiley/a-tale-of-two-teams
Day 2
Live Blogs / Streams
Stefan Penner
Ember CLI, The Next Generation by- Video: TBA
- Slides: TBA
- Links:
Matt McKenna
Building a Game in Ember Starring Your Cat by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/mtmckenna/build-a-game-in-ember-starring-your-cat
Ivan Vanderbyl
Compose Yourself with Ember and D3 by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/ivanvanderbyl/building-ambitious-data-visualisations
- Links:
Liz Baillie
Easy-Bake Testing by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/LizBaillie/easybake-testing-emberconf-2016
Lauren Tan
Idiomatic Ember: Sweet Spot of Performance and Productivity by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://bit.ly/idiomatic-ember
- Links:
Katie Gengler
The Ember Addon Community by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12_jRFES1PibiBBpUxsC7HW8kSamgRnXG0wNrwqU6dOg/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p
Charles Lowell
Immutability is for UI, You, and I by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/cowboyd/immutability-is-for-ui-you-and-i
- Links:
Xavier Cambar
Migrating an Existing App to Ember, Component After Component by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://xcambar.github.io/emberconf_2016/
James Kyle
How to Build a Compiler by- Video: TBA
- Slides: TBA
- Links:
Jade Applegate
The Great Migration: Redesigning and Rewriting our App in Ember.js by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/jadeapplegate/emberconf-2016-redesigning-and-rewriting-our-application-in-ember-dot-js
Godfrey Chan & Yehuda Katz
The Future of Ember Templating by- Video: TBA
- Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/chancancode/the-future-of-ember-templating
- Links:
Matthew Beale
Interoperable Component Patterns by- Video: TBA
- Slides: TBA
- Links:
EmberConf MiniTalks
Lisa Gringl & Francesco Novy
Ember Between Design and Development by- Video: TBA
- Slides: http://slides.com/lisagringl/ember-between-design-development#/
Oren Teich
Closing Keynote: Reversing the River by- Video: TBA
- Slides: TBA