
Create videos from NuScene data of instances across multiple frames

Primary LanguagePython

This repository can be used to generate video sequences for instances in the NuScene dataset.


Example scene

Here is a video that was generated for the vehicle shown in the above scene. The video consists of cropped 2D bounding boxes across all the frames of the scene. u

Get 2D annotations

Use this script to convert NuScene 3D bounding boxes to 2D bounding boxes. You can follow the instructions on setting up nuscenes-devkit, but here is a brief overview:

To install nuscenes-devkit

$ git clone https://github.com/nutonomy/nuscenes-devkit.git
$ cd nuscenes-devkit
$ conda create --name nuscenes
$ conda activate nuscenes
$ conda install numpy
$ conda install scikit-learn
$ conda install shapely
$ conda install pip

Since we are using pip inside a conda enviroment, you will need to find the pip installed by conda and then use this to install nuscenes-devkit. Below is an example (replace your paths with the ones I used).

$ which pip
$ /Users/ericwiener/anaconda3/envs/nuscenes/bin/pip install nuscenes-devkit

To setup data:

First download and unpack the nuscenes data (https://www.nuscenes.org/download). Make sure to use "Full dataset (v1.0)." You can test out the mini version to test the code, but eventually you will need to run

$ cd nuscenes-devkit
$ mkdir -p data/sets

Then move the downloaded (and unpacked) nuscenes folder into nuscenes-devkit/data/sets/.

Generate 2D annotations

To generate 2D annotations you need to run from (the nuscenes-devkit directory)

python3 python-sdk/nuscenes/scripts/export_2d_annotations_as_json.py --dataroot <path to data> --version <data version>

Example usage:

$ python3 python-sdk/nuscenes/scripts/export_2d_annotations_as_json.py --dataroot ~/repositories/nuscenes-devkit/data/sets/v1.0-mini --version v1.0-mini

After a successful conversion, the location of the output file will be printed. Example:

Saved the 2D re-projections under /Users/ericwiener/repositories/nuscenes-devkit/data/sets/v1.0-mini/v1.0-mini/image_annotations.json

Generate video sequences

Put the generate_videos.py file from this repository in nuscenes-devkit. Then run with

python3 generate_videos.py --dataroot <path to data> --version <version> -o <output directory>
python3 generate_videos.py --dataroot ~/repositories/nuscenes-devkit/data/sets/v1.0-mini --version v1.0-mini -o ~/repositories/nuscenes-devkit/output

There are multiple options for configuring the video sequence files created. Usage:

usage: generate_videos.py [-h] [-d DATAROOT] [-v VERSION] [-o OUTPUT] [-f FPS] [-m MINIMUM_FRAMES] [-p MINIMUM_PERCENTAGE]
                          [--visibility VISIBILITY] [-s SIZE SIZE] [-c CATEGORIES [CATEGORIES ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATAROOT, --dataroot DATAROOT
                        The path to the root directory where the data is stored
  -v VERSION, --version VERSION
                        The NuScene's data version
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The output video directory
  -f FPS, --fps FPS     Frames per second for output video (use 2 to match speed of original data)
  -m MINIMUM_FRAMES, --minimum_frames MINIMUM_FRAMES
                        The minimum number of frames an instance must have
                        The minimum fraction of a frame a bounding box take up to be used (0, 1)
  --visibility VISIBILITY
                        The minimum visibility a frame is allowed ('', '1', '2', '3', '4')
  -s SIZE SIZE, --size SIZE SIZE
                        Size of the output video
                        The categories to extract videos for