
Simple, extendable configuration files, using Pydantic for validation.

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Validating config

Simple, extendable configuration objects

Quick start


As a package:

  • pip install valconfig

Or as inlined source:

  • Copy the valconfig.py file into your project and install Pydantic.

Example usage

# config.py
from valconfig import ValConfig
from pydantic import HttpUrl
from scityping.numpy import Array

class Config(ValConfig):
    n_units: int=5
    connectivites: Array[float, 2]  # 2D array of floats
    url: HttpUrl="example.com"

config = Config()

For more detailed usage, see the documentation.


Many types of projects make use of some system to set configuration options, and while the type of project may influence that system, its basic requirements are pretty much always the same:

  • It should be easy to read.
  • It should be easy to extend.

Validating config came about to fulfill these needs for scientific programming, which is a bit of an extreme case: On the one hand, scientists are not professional programmers, so the system needs to be so simple that it needs no documentation at all. On the other hand, they are also constantly developing new methods, and so also need to be able to add new configuration options and new variable types. Moreover, code is often shared (at least within a group) between users with different machines and different needs. A key use of config objects in a scientific context are specifying machine-local settings, like enabling the GPU, defining paths for data and figures, or defining MPI flags.

Thus we needed a way to

  • Set version-controlled defaults, that are packaged with the repository.
  • Make it easy to know what the configurable options are.
  • Make it easy to change those options, without touching the defaults.

And we want to that with nothing more complicated than a git push.

In addition, projects often depend on other projects, so we need a way to set their options as well. Ideally all within the same configuration file.

Finally, not all parameters are strings or simple numerical values. Some might need to be cast to NumPy arrays; others might need to be pre-processed, or checked for consistency with other parameters, or simply inferred from other parameters. These are all roles that conceptually belong in a configuration parser, not the core parts of our program. As scientist programmers, we already have the bad habit of mixing up our programming logic into a big ball of spaghetti – let’s give ourselves one less reason to do so.

This adds two additional desiderata:

  • Support for composition: have one configuration for multiple packages.
  • Validation of values based on provided type information.

What a ValidatingConfig provides

  • A mechanism to define simple lists of configuration options with zero boilerplate: just list the parameter names, their types, and optionally their default.
  • Built-in validation provided by Pydantic.
  • Additional validation for scientific types, when used in conjunction with Scitying.
  • The ability to compose configuration objects from multiple packages into a single central configuration object – even when those packages don’t use ValidatingConfig. This ensures all packages have access to a single source of truth.
  • An optional mechanism to autogenerate a file for users’ local configuration, with usage instructions embedded in the file.
    • This is done by defining a class variable __local_config_filename__ and mostly useful for project code. For library code it is usually best to keep this undefined.
  • The ability to extend the functionality of a config object with all the functionality Python has to offer: read environment variables with os.getenv, get command line parameters with sys.argv, etc.
    • Other packages typically need to add features like these because their config objects are more limited. We avoid this by defining config with a standard class. This keeps this package lean, and your code simple.

Other features

  • Zero onboarding:

    • Validating config uses only standard Python: No custom function calls, no boilerplate. If you know modern Python, you already know how to use this module.
    • Just define a Config class with the parameter names and their types.
    • Use the Config class as any other Python class.
  • Define your own custom types with either Pydantic or Scityping.1

  • Pydantic provides validators which can be used to add per-field validation and pre-processing. These are defined with plain Python, not a restricted minilanguage or a sanitized eval.2

  • Use standard properties to define computed (inferred) values.

  • Use any file format.

    • The default uses stdlib’s configparser, but you can override the method used to read files.
  • Relative paths in config files are correctly resolved.

  • Automatic discovery of the local configuration file.

    • Just set the class variable __local_config_filename__, and ValConfig will recurse up the directory tree until it finds a matching file.
    • This is especially convenient to accommodate multiple users who organize their work differently.
  • Hierarchical: Organize your parameters into categories by defining nested classes.

    from valconfig import ValConfig
    class Config(ValConfig):
      class figures:
        width: float
        format: str
        class curves:
          colormap: str | list[str]
        class heatmaps:
          colormap: str | list[str]
      class run:
        cache: bool
      class model:
        n_units: int
  • Composable

    • Want multiple config objects for each of your project’s subpackages ? Just import them.

    • Want to combine them into a single root config file ? Just import them.

      from valconfig import ValConfig
      from .subpkg1 import config as config1
      from .subpkg2 import config as config2
      class Config(ValConfig):
        pkg1: config1
        pkg2: config2
    • Does your project depend on another ? Define the parameters you need to modify and add a function which updates the config with those parameters.

      from valconfig import ValConfig
      from other_package import config as OtherConfig
      class Config(ValConfig):
        # List the parameters you want to modify
        other_package_option1: int
        other_package_option2: float
        # Include the 3rd party config
        other_package: OtherConfig
        def update_other_package_options(cls, other_config, values):
          # The exact details here will depend on the 3rd party package
          other_config.opt1 = values["other_package_option1"]
          other_config.opt2 = values["other_package_option2"]

In relation to other projects

What’s wrong with the gazillion other config file projects out there ? Why not use one of those ?

In short, because we can now do in 200 lines of code what used to take thousands. Most existing packages for config files were developed many years ago, before the standardization of type annotations. The can all perform the basic task of converting a file to a Python dictionary of strings, but fulfilling all of our aforementioned desiderata was difficult without creating a bloated package. Understandly therefore, they focused on the features required by their own use cases, which means that I found them all unsatisfactory in some respect:

  • Some introduce a new API with custom functions or decorators to define parameters. This makes it more difficult to learn and extend. (vyper-config, hydra)
  • Many provide no validation (one-config, config2).
  • When validations functions are provided, the target type is often not specified by the config object, but in the calling code – if your configuration library is allows to define the name but not the type of the parameters, that’s only 50% of the information and 20% of the work. (configparser, vyper-config)
  • For the examples I know which provides validation at the config level, the set of supported types is very limited and basically hard-coded. (OmegaConf, CFG API)
  • Some approaches even define their own file formats, substantially raising the barrier to adoption. (CFG API)
  • The package configobj is probably the most closely aligned with our goals: it provides a simple, declarative format for both parameter and types specification, as well as key features like hierarchical parameters. (But not, to my knowledge, the configuration of subpackages.) It is also mature, which unfortunately means that it pre-dates widespread use of validation libraries and therefore must package its own custom validation library.
    • On the other hand, configobj might make a great substitute to get around some of the limitations of the builtin configparser with regards to reading files.

A simple implementation

With the standardization of type annotations in Python 3.6–3.8, and the availability of classes like Pydantic’s BaseModel, defining classes with validation logic has become a breeze, and converting a BaseModel into a full-featured config parser basically only needs two things:

  • functionality for reading values from files;
  • ability to compose configuration classes.

In effect therefore, ValConfig is just a subclass of BaseModel with some simple methods for reading config files. The biggest difference is that each subclass of ValConfig is made a singleton. We use this pattern for exactly the same reasons as one-config: it solves a host of corner cases, makes it trivial to support composing configs, and ensures that config objects are a single source of truth.

By relying on Pydantic, ValConfig can be extremely lean, while still providing functionality that is on-par with the much heavier packages listed above. Pydantic itself is highly mature and actively maintained.

The ValConfig class and all its utility functions clock in at less than 500 lines of code and are contained in a single, easily maintained module. If desired, the module can even be included as part of your project’s source code, thus removing valconfig as package dependency and giving you full control over the config object.

Finally, using ValConfig does not preclude from using another config file parser. Indeed, the provided implementation uses configparser to parse files mostly because it is already installed part of the standard library. The execution flow is basically

  1. Read config file(s) with configparser.
  2. Validate with Pydantic.

To use a different config file parser, just subclass ValConfig and override the the method read_cfg_file().


  1. Scityping was developed as an extension of Pydantic to allow the use of (abstract) base classes in type definitions, for example defining a field of type Model which accepts any subclass of Model. (In plain Pydantic values are always coerced to the target type.) Whether it is best to define new types with either Scityping or Pydantic largely depends on whether this use as abstract classes is needed.

  2. Currently validators need to be configured using the standards of Pydantic v1. Supporting Pydantic v2 validators is certainly something I would like to do eventually.