
Can't find service: SoundProcessingModule pepper 2.5

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We encountered a problem running one of your example codes on our Pepper robots with 1.8 and naoqi
Here is the link to your example code:

And we received this error message
[W] 167421202039.916487 10010 qi.path.sdklayout: No Application was created, trying to deduce paths
Traceback (last most recent call):
File "/home/oriol/Documents/", line 111, in .
File "/home/oriol/Documents/", line 42, in startProcessing
self.audio_service.setClientPreferences(self.module_name, 16000, 3, 0)
RuntimeError: ALProxy::ALProxy
Cannot find SoundProcessingModule service

We have several Peppers in the lab and found that this code only works with Peppers with version 2.4 but not with 2.5. We also checked and Peppers 2.5 have the service but somehow they are not able to find it. Furthermore, we can run the code if we ssh inside Pepper (both 2.4 and 2.5 versions), but not from an external PC.

We are also not the only ones facing this problem as seen here:

The environment is Ubuntu 22.04 with Python 3.10.6 and we have installed libqi and libqi-python from source with Boost 1.77 as described in the following gist:
We also encountered this issue on Ubuntu 20.04 as well.

Could you let us know how we can fix this or if there is an alternative to access a stream of the raw data from Peppers microphones?

Hello @oriolhinojolit,

Sorry about the delay of the response, but it seems your issue concerns NAOqi and the SoundProcessingModule service and its accessibility with your version of NAOqi, and not libqi-python specifically.

I can only suggest that you contact support with your issue and see with them what is the cause and the solution. You can contact the support through the United Robotics Group website :