- 3
No package for windows
#31 opened by ElijahSey - 2
Request Intel mac wheel on pypi
#29 opened by veltrop - 1
Error Building libqi-python for Windows: 'qi/[~4]' Package Not Resolved
#28 opened by jhonatanramires - 2
Pepper 2.9 RuntimeError: could not take the focus: focus is owned by another activity
#27 opened by DrR955 - 9
- 2
ImportError from .qi_python
#25 opened by matthis-ostfalia - 3
- 1
Inquiry about source code of native API
#23 opened by PhilipAmadasun - 3
RuntimeError: disconnected (NAOqi 2.9)
#22 opened by DrR955 - 2
Support windows or mac wheel packages?
#20 opened by j55blanchet - 1
Need Help With Instructions
#21 opened by HarbingerRitual - 2
Latest version of qi (3.1.1) doesn't install but rather 2.0.1 only works on Python 3.6
#19 opened by eli-sherling - 5
RuntimeError: Invalid signature
#18 opened by dxbdxx - 1
- 0
An error occurred while configuring with CMake.
#14 opened by 0pie - 0
ValueError: invalid pyproject.toml config: `project`
#15 opened by 0pie - 1
Make it available on pip
#3 opened by sebcagnon - 16
Inavlid signature error
#13 opened by ComanderKai77 - 9
Cross-compilation Pepper robot
#12 opened by Maelic - 4
Python3.5 error
#11 opened by NaifOAlharbi - 4
- 0
Issue with pyinstaller
#4 opened by hu7241 - 8
Pip package doesn't have a matching distribution
#10 opened by saya-rbt - 23
Compiled libqi-python for Jetson TX2
#9 opened by robertanto - 13
- 0
Try to import qi
#1 opened by NoiZeR355 - 2
- 1
- 1