
Can't save project inside Pepper robot

soumenms2015 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am currently working with Pepper robot and my project is not being saved inside the Pepper. EVerytime, I have to connect Pepper with laptop in order to make it work. I am currently using Choregraphe version for creating my project. The moment I upload the project inside robot and it showing some warning message " Choregraphe- my not be compatible with NAOqi-2.5.3. Choregraphe and your behaviours may work strangely. it is highly recommended to update NAOqi and / or Choregraphe.
Thank you very much for any help:)

This GitHub project is for the build system provided along with NAOqi and libQi.
I think your issue is rather a general purpose one, and should rather be solved by StackOverflow's community:
Please try there instead.