
Soprano is a library which provides a highly usable object-oriented C++/Qt4 framework for RDF data.

Primary LanguageC++

Soprano 2.7

Soprano (formally known as QRDF) is a library which provides a nice Qt
interface to RDF storage solutions. It has a modular structure which 
allows to  replace the actual RDF storage implementation used. 

Soprano has the following features:

* Full context (i.e. named graph) support
* Plugin structure for extensibility.
* Backend plugins for:
  - Redland
  - Sesame2
  - Virtuoso
* Parser and serializer plugins for:
  - raptor (rdf+xml, turtle, trig, nTriples)
  - nQuads
* A server and client lib which allows a simple remote
  Soprano server.
* SPARQL http enpoint support
* Simple sopranod server application.
* Simple command line tool to perform commands on models in
  a Soprano server (sopranocmd)
* Rule-based Forward inference engine.
* Full-text index based on CLucene which indexes all literal 
  statements (i.e. those statements with a literal object node)
* Hierarchical architecture which allows to stack multiple filter models
  on top of an RDF storage.

See INSTALL for installation instructions.

Packaging for QiToolchain

Just run `qibuild package -c <config>`. It produces a `.pkg` file that you can put in any toolchain.

Updating toolchain at the company

To make a toolchain package at SoftBank Robotics Europe:

* Do an merge request in this repository.
* Run [this job](http://jenkins-dev.aldebaran.lan:8080/view/dialog/job/release-2.9_make-tc-package_soprano_all/)
* Reference the artefacts of the job (one for each target platform) in [the toolchain's repository](https://gitlab.aldebaran.lan/qi/toolchains), and do a merge request there.