
Aldebran toolchain feeds. To use with qibuild to build Aldebaran's projects

toolchains feeds for Aldebaran pre-compiled packages

This is useful when you wan to compile (or cross-compile) Aldebaran projects and you are OK using our pre-compiled versions of the 3rd party libraries we are using.


qibuild >= 3.11.2. Can be installed via pip and available on Pypi


To create a toolchain, look at the feeds directory for available architectures and run:

qitoolchain create --feed-name <feed-name> <name> --branch <branch> git://github.com/aldebaran/toolchains.git

When <name> is the name of the toolchain you want to create, <feed-name> if the basename of a XML file in the feeds directory and <branch> is a branch of this repository