Pinned Repositories
SoziVideoCreator enables the export of self running Sozi HTML presentations (including embedded videos) into a video.
The program STEPToMesh converts solids contained in STEP files into triangle meshes.
The program STEPToPoints converts solids contained in STEP files into point clouds by regular sampling.
The program STEPToXSection is a command line utility to export the contour of a planar cross section of solids contained in STEP files. It supports surface offsetting of the input geometry and in-plane curve offsetting. The in-plane base contour can also result from the orthogonal projection of geometries (silhouette) onto the plane within a specified maximum plane distance.
aleutgeb's Repositories
The program STEPToPoints converts solids contained in STEP files into point clouds by regular sampling.
The program STEPToMesh converts solids contained in STEP files into triangle meshes.
The program STEPToXSection is a command line utility to export the contour of a planar cross section of solids contained in STEP files. It supports surface offsetting of the input geometry and in-plane curve offsetting. The in-plane base contour can also result from the orthogonal projection of geometries (silhouette) onto the plane within a specified maximum plane distance.
SoziVideoCreator enables the export of self running Sozi HTML presentations (including embedded videos) into a video.