
Functions for running VQGAN-CLIP on my workstation

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runvqgan: Functions for running VQGAN-CLIP on my workstation

Readme file for running VQGAN-CLIP on Alex's workstation

Last updated 06 February 2022

Task files

  • Task files are text files with the file extension .txt in the tasks folder, or a file of the form "task_ ... .txt" in your personal folder.
  • Task file names should not contain spaces or special character such as German umlaute.
  • Files named "sample.txt" or "task_sample.txt" will not be processed; they serve as templates for creating your own task files; please don't overwrite the existing sample task files :-)
  • The contents of the task files are described below.


  • All task files will be read daily at 11pm and used to run the tasks on my workstation; they may sometimes also be processed during the day
  • a single image takes between 1 and 3 minutes with typical settings (up to 500 iterations), but of course it will take substantially longer with more iterations
  • My script may limit the number of iterations (up to 6000 or so) and repetitions per task (currently no more than 25)
  • Processed task files are renamed -> ".done" is added as an additional file extension, but it's still the same text file so you can rename and re-use it...
  • If there's an error, a file with "ERROR" in its name will be created...

More information

For more information on the underlying model see here (scroll to the bottom): https://github.com/nerdyrodent/VQGAN-CLIP

Structure of task files

Task files are text files in JSON format. They contain a single list (surrounded by curly braces, {...}) with the following fields:


"text": ["A painting of a something doing something"],

A text describing what you want the AI system to paint. As far as I know this should normally start with "A painting of" or "A picture of" ("picture" may look at bit more photo-like). But you can also just write anything...

The text must not contain quotation marks!

English and German language texts both work; I haven't tried other languages. There may be "spillover" effects between the languages; e.g. a painting of Justin Bieber on stage (which was requested in English) showed a crossover of Justing Bieber and a beaver (=Bieber in German).

You can optionally also add a style, but this will only work if the following "style" attribute is "": E.g. you could write "A painting of a dog|surreal:0.25|weird:0.1|psychedelic:0.25" - you get the idea, but I don't know which other styles are supported...


"style": ["", "Banksy"],

Image styles (one or multiple), e.g. "" for default style (nothing special), "Banksy" for Banksy, "Picasso" for Picasso, "surrealism", "impressionism" etc. - I don't know if a list of supported styles exists of if this could be any style and it will try to infer the style from its knowledge base ("in the style of Brenning" haha...). Let me know if you find out which styles are supported...

Note that "style" is the ONLY field that accepts multiple inputs; to iterate over different texts etc., you will have to create multiple task files.

Number of iterations

"iterations": [200],

Number of iterations. Should be at least 80 or so. With a few hundred iterations, the image should already be consistent with the chosen style. I'm not sure if it'll improve a lot with more than 1000 iterations.

Output file name

"out_file": ["something"],

Output file name; files will be named, for example, "something_1.png", "something_2.png", with numbers in increasing order. I recommend using a unique name, such as "John_robot" if you're John and you want to create a series of images involving robots. Existing files will NOT be overwritten. With each output file, there will be one .txt file that contains the actual VQGAN-CLIP call that was used to create the image. This can be useful to remember how the image was actually created...

Output folder

"out_folder": ["output"],

Output folder that I shared with you, "output" by default, which is a folder to which all of us have access. If a "private" VQGAN folder was assigned to you, better use that folder instead.

Portrait or landscape format

"portrait": [false],

Image in landscape mode (false) or portrait mode (true). (Resolution is 450 x 300 pixels and 300 x 450 pixels, respectively.)

Number of repetitions

"each": [1]

Number of times the task should be repeated. For example, with "each" equal to 5, and two "style"s chosen above, 5 $\times$ 2 = 10 images will be created in total.

Resolution (optional)

"resolution": [450, 300]

Image size (number of pixels) in x and y direction. Must not be greater than $450\times 300$. Note that "portrait" will always define whether the image is in portrait or landscape mode, i.e. the order of the values in "resolution" will be overridden.

Background reading