
This is from an Online Assessment. Here is an abbreviated version of the question (rough notes, not exact text, which was dense):


  • Replicator for directories (one machine to another)
  • When any changes occur on the source machine, sync to target machine
  • While they are copying, nothing else will be modifying


  • ReplicatorSource and ReplicatorTarget
  • Both access their respective directory.
  • Communicate with RPC (Source calls functions on Target)


  • ReplicatorSource can call its self._rpc_handle function which corresponds to calling handle_request on the Target.
  • Must define request and response types.
  • Both must be pickleable py objects (python stdlib stuff is usually pickleable)

Filesystem API

  • See
  • posixpath.join, posixpath.basename, posixpath.dirname, posixpath.relpath (posixpath is like os.path but works on Windows) - dont use os.path! Mock FS
  • ReplicatorSource can also ask the filesystem to watch for changes using a callback whenever FS has events: self._fs.watchdir(dir_path, self.handle_event)
  • Watching a dir consumes valuable system resource, so remove them if they are no longer needed: self._fs.unwatchdir(dir_path)

For each dir, three kinds of file system events:

  • file or subdir added

  • file or subdir removed

  • file removed for immediate children only

  • Target dir may start out with or without content. It should be synced so that it exactly matches the source dir (i.e. delete stuff we dont want).

  • Try to minimize writes and message data (task 4 and 5)

  • Equality will be checked after each FileSystemEvent trigger.


  • FileSystem.debug_string gives a string repr of a FS subtree (dirs and contents).

Increment TASK_NUM in to activate more tests.


# Task Test
1 Initial sync on init. Assume the target dir starts empty test_initial_sync, test_unrelated_dirs
2 Add dir watching so that updates to the source dir get synced. Unwatch when no longer needed. test_watch_dirs, test_unwatch_dirs
3 Handle non-empty target. Should match exactly. test_non_empty_target_dir
4 Minimize file writes: existing files that match are not written test_avoid_redundant_writes
5 Reduce data sent in RPCs for large files by ensuring full content is only sent when necessary. No test case provided - reviewed by humans