
Anki cards generator for Leetcode

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Leetcode Anki card generator

Alex Bowe's Update

I have modified Prius's code in the following ways:

  • Added a tag for all Grind 75 problems.
  • The order of these questions is important and Anki is uncooperative when it comes to changing new card order, so I add them in the order that they appear in the list.
  • Added an option (in code only) to omit LeetCode problems that aren't on the Grind 75 list.
  • Added an option (in code only) to omit premium questions (useful if you are building the deck for someone else).
  • Added an option to disable outputting the problem statement. This is useful if you want to share the deck without getting sued.
  • Added company tags.
  • Arranged all tags hierarchically (for use with this add-on).
  • Added paid/free tags (these are card properties but tags can be nicer to work with).
  • Tagged grind75::base and grind75::extended.
  • Suspend all cards outside of grind75::base by default.
  • Updated notes to have company stats for aggregation.
  • Added script get_tag_stats.py to output CSVs of frequency for each topic (e.g. arrays).

A pre-compiled deck with all 169 Grind 75 problems (including premium problems) and no problem description (for the sake of legality) is available here.

Ideally this could be merged back into the original repository. These changes should be made:

  • Add command-line flags for the new options above.
  • Add support for multiple subsets, where the user can specify a list of text files defining these subsets. This could just be a list of question slugs on each line, with the filename providing the name of the subset (which would determine the resulting tag).
  • Move the Grind 75 fetching code to a separate script, and update the Makefile to use it to generate a grind75.txt file which can be used as a command-line argument.
  • Add a command-line flag to suspend cards outside of a user specified union of subsets (suspension can be nicer than omission).


By running this script you'll be able to generate Anki cards with all the leetcode problems.

I personally use it to track my grinding progress.


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  1. python3.8+ installed
  2. python virtualenv installed
  3. git cli installed
  4. GNU make installed (optional, can run the script directly)
  5. *nix operating system (Linux, MacOS, FreeBSD, ...). Should also work for Windows, but commands will be different. I'm not a Windows expert, so can't figure out how to make it work there, but contributions are welcome.

How to run

First download the source code

git clone https://github.com/prius/leetcode-anki.git
cd leetcode-anki

After that initialize and activate python virtualenv somewhere


virtualenv -p python leetcode-anki
. leetcode-anki/bin/activate


python -m venv leetcode-anki

Then initialize session id variable. You can get it directly from your browser (if you're using chrome, cookies can be found using this method: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/storage/cookies/)





And finally run for Linux/MacOS

make generate

Or for Windows

pip install -r requirements.txt
python generate.py

You'll get leetcode.apkg file, which you can import directly to your anki app.