Pinned Repositories
This project contains scripts that set up a new Ubuntu System, as it installs many useful packages, applications and synchronizes the dotfiles that I am currently using.
A minimal Portfolio Web page developed using Next.js, TypeScript and Styled-Components. It is deployed with GitHub pages and uses GitHub REST API to fetch my Projects.
Athens Airbnb Data Analysis and Recommendation System Implementation based on the description of each Airbnb using TF–IDF and Cosine Similarity metric.
My profile-level README that is displayed prominently on my GitHub profile.
Various background images I use
News Articles Text Classification and Clustering using Machine Learning in Python. Also, KNN implementation from scratch using max heap.
A Parallel SQL Query Executor that parses and executes SQL queries using a Thread pool. It also rearranges the predicates by frequency to reduce execution time.
Generic Vector/Dynamic Array implementation using Macros in C.
A VS Code extension that wraps git worktree operations for simplicity and productivity
An interactive ZSH plugin that wraps some git operations for simplicity and productivity. Also, it contains completions and combines the FZF tool to make the operations more convenient.
alexiszamanidis's Repositories
A VS Code extension that wraps git worktree operations for simplicity and productivity
An interactive ZSH plugin that wraps some git operations for simplicity and productivity. Also, it contains completions and combines the FZF tool to make the operations more convenient.
News Articles Text Classification and Clustering using Machine Learning in Python. Also, KNN implementation from scratch using max heap.
Generic Vector/Dynamic Array implementation using Macros in C.
Athens Airbnb Data Analysis and Recommendation System Implementation based on the description of each Airbnb using TF–IDF and Cosine Similarity metric.
Various background images I use
A Parallel SQL Query Executor that parses and executes SQL queries using a Thread pool. It also rearranges the predicates by frequency to reduce execution time.
This project contains scripts that set up a new Ubuntu System, as it installs many useful packages, applications and synchronizes the dotfiles that I am currently using.
A minimal Portfolio Web page developed using Next.js, TypeScript and Styled-Components. It is deployed with GitHub pages and uses GitHub REST API to fetch my Projects.
My profile-level README that is displayed prominently on my GitHub profile.
A minimal Portfolio Web page developed using React.js, TypeScript and Material-UI. It is deployed with GitHub pages and uses GitHub REST API to fetch my Personal Data and my Projects.
This repository installs packages and applications that I use in my daily work
This repository synchronizes the configuration files that I am currently using
Conway's game of life parallelization using pure MPI and MPI-OpenMP hybrid implementation.
Thread pool implementation using a Job Scheduler to manage the Jobs. When a Job is submitted to execute, Job Scheduler pushes the job in blocking queue and executes it using one of possible threads from the Thread pool.