
A minimal Portfolio Web page developed using Next.js, TypeScript and Styled-Components. It is deployed with GitHub pages and uses GitHub REST API to fetch my Projects.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A minimal Portfolio Web page developed using Next.js, TypeScript and Styled-Components. A well-structured project for use by anyone.


  • Easy to use
  • Easy to setup
  • Configurable
  • Includes everything a big project needs
    • Husky
    • Prettier
    • ESLint
    • Lint Staged
    • TypeScript
    • Testing
    • CI/CD
  • Keeps dependencies up to date
    • Dependabot

Create your own

  • Clone the repository
  • Move into the repository
  • Install the dependencies: yarn
  • Run the application locally: yarn dev
  • Configure the files listed below to your personal preferences(Of course you can configure any file but these are the most useful ones)
    • The react-icons package has been installed, so if you want to import a new icon or a different one, you can search here
  • Change the NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_PATH env variable to your repository name
    • The NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_PATH has been defined in the .github/workflows/deploy.yml file
  • Push it to your GitHub account
  • Go to your repository on Github -> Settings -> Pages
    • Select gh-pages for your branch
    • Select / (root) for your root
    • Click save
  • Check out your website at [your-github-username].github.io/[your-repository-name]


Path Description
public/favicon.ico Favicon icon
constants/index.tsx Contains the data that are displayed
themes/default.tsx Contains the theme colors(light/dark)


  • install

    This script will install the dependencies and run the application