Pytorch implementation of paper "Image Inpainting with Edge-guided Learnable Bidirectional Attention Maps"
This paper is an extension of our previous work. In comparison to LBAM we utilize both the mask of holes and predicted edge map for mask-updating, resulting in our Edge-LBAM method. Moreover, we introduce a multi-scale edge completion network for effective prediction of coherent edges.
- Python 3.6
- Pytorch =1.1.0
- CPU or NVIDIA GPU + Cuda + Cudnn
To train the Edge-LBAM model:
python --batchSize numOf_batch_size --dataRoot your_image_path \
--maskRoot your_mask_root --modelsSavePath path_to_save_your_model \
--logPath path_to_save_tensorboard_log --pretrain(optional) pretrained_model_path
To test with random batch with random masks:
python --dataRoot your_image_path
--maskRoot your_mask_path --batchSize numOf_batch_size --pretrain pretrained_model_path
The pretrained models can be found at google drive, we will release the models removing bn from Edge-LBAM later which may effect better. You can also train the model by yourself.
From left to right are input, the result of Global&Local,PConv,DeepFillv2.
From left to right are the result of Edge-Connect, MEDFE, Ours and GT.
From left to right are input, edge competion of single-scale network and multi-scale network.