Pinned Repositories
algorithm to help solve 100 dice rolls problem
A pure python implementation of AES128
A bare-bones implementation of backpropagation through directed acyclic graphs.
This is a trading bot that buys and holds dogecoin for 1 hour after Elon Musk tweets about it. doge_keys_tokens is where you put the tweepy API key, secret key, access token, and access token secret. Headers is where you put a Coin Market Cap API key. For the buy function of the class Dogebot you can write the code to put a 1hr limit order on dogecoin using your crypto wallet or service. Dogebot 1.1 will hopefully be able to collect data to determine, by itself, the optimal time to hold doge for after he tweets.
NGLDM - CSC311 Diffusion Project
Personal website/blog powered by Next.js and Tailwind CSS.
Automated caption and image generation for your company's Twitter posts.
Just a graph project
NewHacks tPay project
alexrosen45's Repositories
This is a trading bot that buys and holds dogecoin for 1 hour after Elon Musk tweets about it. doge_keys_tokens is where you put the tweepy API key, secret key, access token, and access token secret. Headers is where you put a Coin Market Cap API key. For the buy function of the class Dogebot you can write the code to put a 1hr limit order on dogecoin using your crypto wallet or service. Dogebot 1.1 will hopefully be able to collect data to determine, by itself, the optimal time to hold doge for after he tweets.
A pure python implementation of AES128
algorithm to help solve 100 dice rolls problem
This is my first personal website
This is a clock that I completed for my computer science class. It displays the day and time at my school during the 2020-2021 school year. If you want this clock to work for your school or another school year you can update the columns and the data in the csv file called 'schedule.csv'. I will hopefully come up with an update for the application that includes local weather (which can be changed) and which period it is based on the time and the day. In order to run this code it must be executed using the processing IDE or the needed processing libraries must be imported into the main file and the .pde files must be compiled to native java. The name of the folder must be main so when the main file is run the IDE understands to automatically add all of the libraries that are required. Also, another side note is that many aspects of the code work in weird factors of cx and cy. This is because the program is not running properly on processing Ios or Android. I will try to fix this soon to so it can work as an Ios and Android app that is reponsive to all devices it is on.
This is a clock that I completed for my computer science class. It displays the day and time at my school during the 2020-2021 school year. If you want this clock to work for your school or another school year you can update the columns and the data in the csv file called 'schedule.csv'. I will hopefully come up with an update for the application that includes local weather (which can be changed) and which period it is based on the time and the day.
This is a tic tac toe game made with processing which is a java library. It can keep track of your score, play music, and also change background colors. If the music is not working and giving an error either delete the music code or go to sketch/add library then add the 'Sound' library.
This shows the concept of a neural net in simple form. It accounts for inputs, weights, biases, and outputs.
This program inverts an image in the java version of processing. If you want to change the image just change the file name in the code call 'butterflies.png' to your image name and save them in the same folder before executing the program.
Cargo Run Game