AA228: Decision Making Under Uncertainty

A Julia implementation of decentralized connectivity maintenance as a sequential decision-making problem.

Programmers: Bradley Collicott, Daniel Neamati, Alexandros Tzikas

A full project report is available at: AA228_FinalReport.pdf

Final Project: Multi-Agent Decentralized Connectivity Maintenance Learning

This project implements decentralized connectivity maintenance for a two-agent system, represented as a partially-observable markov decision process (POMDP) in the Julia programming language. The objective was to learn a control policy that avoids collision with obstacles and other agents while maintaining connectivity with the leader robot. The POMDP is structured on a discrete, 2D grid world with discrete state, action, and observation spaces. The policy was first trained in a cnetralized manner using the QMDP algorithm, and rolled out decentralized on each agent.

Our implementation addresses both account uncertainty in motion (process noise) and sensing (observation noise).


The learned policy is visualized below for a stationary leader at different positions in the grid world. It is shown that that follower agent chooses to avoid collisions while maintaining a safe distance from the leader for connectivity.


We show that the learned policy avoids collisions and maintains connectivity at nearly all times. A baseline comparison to a random policy shows that the POMDP representation leads to a significant performance improvement.


State Space

The state space is all combinations of agent positions on a 10x10 grid world. Therefore the POMDP state space is (100)N-dimensional for N agents. The exponential growth in the size of the problem is a limiting factor for this method. The simulation space used for testing the policy is shown here:

Action Space and Transition Model

Each agent was permitted to move to any adjacent space on the grid world or remain stationary. At any time, each agent has 9 action choices, so the total action space for the POMDP is (9)N-dimensional for N agents.. To incorporation uncertainty in the motion model, a truncated Gaussian distribution is formed for the transition model. The agent selects a desired state to transition; however, the true transition is drawn from a distribution like the following:

Observation space

Similar to the action space and transition model, the observation model is also not deterministic. Observations for each agent are drawn from a truncated Gaussian distribution, with the highest probability assigned to a perfect observation, and the remaining probabily distributed among the adjacent states of the observed agents. The observation space has the same dimension as the state space.