
Project in which communication between different nodes (cars & traffic light) is achieved, in an attempt to provide a functional communication system that aims in the increase of safety in driving.

Primary LanguageC++


Project in which communication between different nodes (cars & traffic light) is achieved, in an attempt to provide a functional communication system that aims in the increase of safety in driving. Information is shared between the nodes in an effective manner, in order for the drivers to gain a better understanding of their surrounding. It is basically a project concerning 'Vehicle to Vehicle' & 'Vehicle to Infrastructure' Communication. The ALOHA protocol was used in the network implemented with Arduino, although the general mathematical analysis includes the use of other protocols.

Video Demonstration of Implemented System: https://mega.nz/#!LWxFUCCI!MGCz0z664B-vrUhXxfego51cPHOzq5efYmmU499-KyU

Commercial of System (just for the purposes of the course): https://mega.nz/#!7aA30IwY!Yr8IgUnhEaVLD_Dgq0LxA0_wlCwjJut9AseEkD51_0g