
Float Point Add, Multiply and Division.

Primary LanguageVerilog

1. Naming style
   1.a wire variable is prefix with w*. (Hungarian notation)
   1.b reg variable is prefix with r*. (Hungarian notation)
   1.c pipeline variable is prefix with A_B_pp*, A is the previous stage name; while B is the next stage name.(Hungarian notation for pipeline+Camel notation)
   1.d variable is general [w|r]AbcDef (Hungarian notation + Pascal notation), but it might be longer, use the abbrevationn: wAD_Ghi since wADGhi is something confusing, A is abbr. of Abc D is abbr. of Def. Ghi is orignal name. (Pascal acronym_Pascal notation)
   1.e module define is with module rounding_hardware() ; endmodule  (Camel notation)
   1.f module instant is with rounding_hardware RHW_0 (Pascal acronym notation_number )
   Hungarian notation: m_dataProcess or mDataProcess. 
   Camel notation : dataProcess or data_process
   Pascal notation : DataProcess
   Pascal acronym notation : DP_Function()
2. Verification 
   2.a Unsigned float point add with same exponent.
   2.b Unsigned float point add with different exponent (>23).
   2.c Signed float point add which changing to substract. 
3. Features
   3.a Float point add operation 
       Status: RTL is done and verified. 
       Description: Float point add cannot be pipelined since it needs time to shift. 
   3.b Float point multiply operation 
       Status: RTL is done and verified and bugs are fixed (May.28.2014). Pipelined is achieved. 
   3.c Float point divide operation 
       Status: RTL is done (May.30.2014) and not verified(Jun.3.2014). 
4. Architectures
   ![alt FloatPoint Multiply](./float_point_multiply.jpg)