- 0
branchless advantage is underrepresented
#311 opened by IAmAThousandTrees - 0
- 1
Recursion vs. work list
#158 opened by dabrahams - 1
Assembly: Alternative Approach
#208 opened by brubrz - 0
B-tree image seems incorrect
#304 opened by nicked - 0
Gliphs in formulas are very small on phones
#235 opened by Whoopalla - 0
Incorrect CPU cycle calculation in Section 1.2
#300 opened by lzydaphne - 0
Directed graph traversal
#292 opened by me21 - 0
Questions regarding the binary search example
#291 opened by rohanrayan - 0
Use `_mm256_bslli_epi128`
#290 opened by alantudyk - 0
Constexpr does not enforce compile-time evaluation
#276 opened by HadrienG2 - 0
Fast math discussion needs more nuance
#275 opened by HadrienG2 - 1
#266 opened by semenInRussia - 1
- 0
- 0
What is the license?
#255 opened by dustdfg - 0
Reductions examples fail to compile
#243 opened by antaz - 0
Section 1.2: Where does the "880 cycles per multiplication" number comes from?
#232 opened by g-berthiaume - 0
question about 'divisible by some large powers of two' in 'Cache Associativity' section
#228 opened by sci-42ver - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Section 12.1 Eytzinger Layout
#207 opened by usefulcat - 0
Ratio division looks wrong
#202 opened by etiago - 0
Section 3.3: ambiguous code and statements to fix
#193 opened by Andre1206 - 0
Section 1.2 # Types of Languages, better examples
#175 opened by q3cpma - 0
The description of the sorting algorithm by inserts does not correspond to the algorithm itself
#173 opened by rwqwr - 0
- 0
- 3
Binary GCD vs. c++ std::gcd benchmark.
#155 opened by sofia-snow - 0
Log curve shows negative time
#151 opened by iago-lito - 0
Suggestion for more readable text.
#147 opened by RinatValiullov - 0
web-page error: website not found
#144 opened by Haiderahandali - 0
- 1
"Masking" article
#132 opened by betsch85 - 2
Bug in the binary gcd code
#128 opened by laszloladanyi - 4
Typos in dynamic programming section?
#121 opened by SUPERCILEX - 2
Typo in memory bandwidth section?
#122 opened by SUPERCILEX - 2
Feedback on fast sqrt
#119 opened by SUPERCILEX - 0
An improved explanation of the floating point multiplication code would be great
#117 opened by SUPERCILEX - 0
Misprint in SVGs
#112 opened by someretical - 1
- 1
404 Link in Floating-Point Numbers
#108 opened by jhuels - 1
Assembly Language
#106 opened by Narann - 1
Linker link 404's on architecture/functions page
#105 opened by wmcnamara - 1
Code snippet measures integer operations, text mentions floating point operations.
#101 opened by AlexanderNenninger - 4
Newton is probably not the basis for more than 50% of optimization algorithms.
#98 opened by AlexanderNenninger - 0
Not true
#97 opened by AlexanderNenninger - 1
Self contradiction
#96 opened by AlexanderNenninger - 1