
A comprehensive PDB database of all DNA/RNA base pairs

Primary LanguagePython

Copyright (C) 2017 Honglue Shi

This database is updated until April 27th 2017
All crystal structures are with resolution <= 3.0 A

required package for running MismatchPDB:
pandas v 0.18.1
numpy v 1.11.2
json v 2.0.9

written library:

is to loop all the PDB file in ./Crystal directory, generate a array text file containing
all the PDB id in alphabet order. Please copy this output All_crystal.txt into ./PDBinfo 

is to read all the PDB file in ./Crystal directory using DSSR, generate Json file into ./Json
generate all the stem, bulge, internal loop, hairpin fragment

is to check the sanity of the json files in ./Json

is to parse all the json files into a searchable database containing all DNA/RNA base pairs
into a searchable database --> Pair_crystal.csv
Please copy Pair_crystal.csv into ./PairTable
Note that this database has excluded all the multiplets data

is to select all the corresponding entry in the searchable database (Pair_crystal.csv)
based on category of PDB (cat), crystal structure resolution (reso), base pair name (bp_name)
we simply load csv file into a Dataframe using pandas library and use .loc function to select