
All the data and source code for m6A excited states paper

This is all the source data and code files for the m6A Excited states paper

Ref: Liu et al, (2020) "m6A delays base-pairing through syn-anti isomerization of the methylamino group" BioRxiv

1. MD force field parameters (MD_forcefield)

m6a_new_rna.lib - force field parameters for m6A.

Load using ‘loadOff m6a_new_rna.lib’ in tleap module of AMBER suite

DMA_rna_parmbsc0.off and DMA_rna_parmbsc0.frcmod - force field parameter files for m62A.

Load using ‘loadOff DMA_rna_parmbsc0.off’ and ‘loadamberparams DMA_rna_parmbsc0.frcmod’ in tleap module of AMBER suite

2. Input RNA duplex (dsGGACU) structures for DFT calculation (dsRNA_structure)

In the folder, there are five ensembles, each of ensemble contains 100 conformers. DFT is computing the average of them.

dsGGACU.pdb: unmodified duplex

dsGGACUm6Aanti.pdb: m6A modified dsGGACU at residue 6, the m6A N6-methylamino group is in anti conformation

dsGGACUm6Asyn.pdb: m6A modified dsGGACU at residue 6, the m6A N6-methylamino group is in syn conformation

dsGGACUm6Aantistar.pdb: m6A modified dsGGACU at residue 6, the m6A N6-methylamino group is in anti* conformation

dsGGACUm62A.pdb: m62A modified dsGGACU at residue 6

3. Input mononucleoside structures for DFT calculation (mono_structure)

In the folder, there are three subfolders representing three different mononucleoside structures.

"rA" is the unmodified adenosine

"m62rA" is the m62A modified adenosine

"m6rA" is the m6A modifition, where the N6-methylamino group is rotated from 0 to 360 degree

HO2' means the hydroxl proton connect to O2'

HO3' means the hydroxl proton connect to O3'

HO5' means the hydroxl proton connect to O5'

C10 means the N6-methylamino group carbon in m6A

H20 H21 H22 means the N6-methyl group proton in m6A

C11 means the second N6-methylamino group carbon in m62A

H23 H24 H25 means the second N6-methyl group proton in m62A

OP3 means the fourth oxygen in phosphate acid group in monophosphate structure

monophosphate has two negative charge

m6A is named as M6A

m62A is named as DMA