vke_bash_completion.sh provides bash tab completion for the VMware Cloud PKS (formerly VKE) CLI.
Source this from your .bash_profile
or, to use in your current shell, run
source vke_bash_completion.sh
If you're using zsh, the following should allow this autocompletion to work:
$ autoload bashcompinit
$ bashcompinit
$ source vke_bash_completion.sh
The create_completion script uses cli_taxo to generate this tab completion script using the Cloud PKS CLI help output.
The create_taxo_graph script uses cli_taxo to generate a radial diagram illustrating the taxonomy of the VMware Cloud PKS CLI as an SVG embedded in a webpage under taxonomy.
You can view this by running locally as a container like this:
- Build the docker image:
docker build -t ali5ter/vke-cli-taxonomy:1.0 .
- Run the container:
docker run -d -p8080:80 ali5ter/vke-cli-taxonomy:1.0
- Open http://localhost:8080/ to view the diagram.
- Stop and remove the container:
docker rm -f $(docker ps | grep vke-cli-taxonomy | awk '{print $1}')
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