
Pokemon game developed on the lines of PlantsvZombies in Unity

Primary LanguageC#


Version 1.0.0

Implemented in Unity with C#

This game tries to mimic plants v zombies except that there are pokemon on both sides. 3 Pokemon are on your side i.e Psyduck, Onix and Arcanine. 2 Pokemon are coming for you i.e Abra and Seviper. There are 2 rounds in the game with minor differences. Arcanine is only available in round 2. So you're left with Psyduck and Onix in round 1. Starting elixir is 100 in round 1 while its 150 in round 2. Seviper on the enemy side appears in round 2.

GAMEPLAY Mouse cursor is used to plant your pokemon on your grid. Every Pokemon has some hitpoints which it can bear before fainting. Option of removing the planted pokemon is given, this returns a small percentage of elixir to your treasury. Enemy pokemon appear when you press T on the keyboard. Beating all the enemy pokemon, clears the round.

FEATURES Few Pokemon have particle systems implemented on them to show some animation i.e Psyduck has a hose which it uses to use water beam. Docked Interface on the game screen which shows elixir available and elixir needed for each Pokemon. Pokemon theme song plays throughout the game.

REFERENCES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKNFp9BNnm4 (Cubes VS Spheres (Plants vs Zombies) - Making 'Plants VS Zombies' Android game [C#][Stream VOD])

Vuforia API is incorporated to include VR support for the game.

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