24787 Project

Data Collection:

  1. We place the cable on the stand running through the guide
  2. The robot grasps the cable from the stand and lifts it up
  3. The robot moves cable <-- until the cable comes into contact with the wall
  4. The robot aligns the cable end with the top of the wall
  5. The data recording begins and the robot lowers a set distance (bending the cable)
  6. The data recording ends and the robot lifts up the cable
  7. The robot moves the cable --> until it is over the stand
  8. The robot lowers the cable onto the stand
  9. Steps (2) through (8) are repeated many times until enough data is collected for each cable

ML Approaches

  • Decision Tree
  • Random Forrest
  • Support Vector Classification
  • Naive Bayes
  • Logistic Regression
  • CNN
  • MLP