
How to use procthor-10k in object navigation task?

hutchinsonian opened this issue · 1 comments

I wanted to reproduce the results in the prothor paper, and following this tutorial I obtained the prothor-10k dataset, but it was just houses.
How to generate a large number of episodes for object navigation tasks like robothor(initial_position, shortest_path, shortest_path_length...)?

Your question is very vague. What specific criteria do you want the scenes to fulfill? There is basically no documentation on procTHOR, so you're going to need to do some serious sleuthing and get your hands dirty if you want anything very custom.

There are several scene specifications in These specify the number of rooms and what types of rooms (bedroom, kitchen, etc.). If you like some specs but not others, you could comment out the ones you don't want and run the generation process again.

When I was looking for a suitable scene, I wrote a little scorer that would score a scene (given procTHOR's JSON output as input) based on its suitability for my purposes. Then I could examine just the top-scoring scenes for suitability. This allowed me to not edit procTHOR itself.