
Topological parsing and classifying of large floorplan datasets

You will need Boost Graph Library > 1.42 or equivalent

- Loading and saving graphs from XML, boost::serialization
- Area and degree distributions can be generated & saved to file
- Filtering based on size, frequency, connectivity etc.
- Graph statistics:
* Clustering coefficient
* Degree distribution
* Characteristic path length
* Pairwise counts
* Computing vertex-wise attributes
Regarding geometric properties, the polygon layout of a room:
- Shape (simply square or elongated)
- Perimeter length
- Number of vertices of the room's layout (i.e. how "zigzaggy" the perimeter
- Convexity measure of the room's layout (ratio of polygon's area to
it's convex hull)
- Average vertex angle of the room's layout
- Door width

Regarding other structure:
- Number of windows (only available in the KTH dataset)