
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


[Project Page] [Paper]

Deep Dynamics Models for Learning Dexterous Manipulation
Anusha Nagabandi, Kurt Konolige, Sergey Levine, Vikash Kumar.

Please note that this is research code, and as such, is still under construction. This code implements the model-based RL algorithm presented in PDDM. Please contact Anusha Nagabandi for questions or concerns.

Contents of this README:

A. Getting started

1) Mujoco:

Download and install mujoco (v1.5) to ~/.mujoco, following their instructions
(including setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your ~/.bashrc file)

2) If using GPU:

Setup Cuda and CUDNN verions based on your system specs.
Recommended: Cuda 8, 9, or 10.
Also, add the following to your ~/.bashrc:

alias MJPL='LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGLEW.so:/usr/lib/nvidia-367/libGL.so'

3) Setup this repo:

Without GPU support:

cd <path_to_pddm>
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate pddm-env
pip install -e .

Or, for use with GPU:

cd <path_to_pddm>
conda env create -f environment_gpu.yml
source activate pddm-gpu-env
pip install -e .

a) For environment_gpu to work, you'll need a working gpu and cuda/cudnn installation first.
b) Depending on your cuda/cudnn versions, you might need to change the tensorflow-gpu version specified in environment_gpu.yml. Suggestions are 1.13.1 for cuda 10, 1.12.0 for cuda 9, or 1.4.1 for cuda 8.
c) Before running any code, type the following into your terminal to activate the conda environment:
source activate pddm-env
d) The MJPL before the python visualization commands below are needed only if working with GPU

B. Quick Overview

The overall procedure that is implemented in this code is the iterative process of learning a dynamics model and then running an MPC controller which uses that model to perform action selection. The code starts by initializing a dataset of randomly collected rollouts (i.e., collected with a random policy), and then iteratively (a) training a model on the dataset and (b) collecting rollouts (using MPC with that model) and aggregating them into the dataset.

The process of (model training + rollout collection) serves as a single iteration in this code. In other words, the rollouts from iter 0 are the result of planning under a model which was trained on randomly collected data, and the model saved at iter 3 is one that has been trained 4 times (on random data at iter 0, and on on-policy data for iters 1,2,3).

To see available parameters to set, see the files in the configs folder, as well as the list of parameters in convert_to_parser_args.py.

C. Train and visualize some tests


python train.py --config ../config/short_cheetah_test.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu
MJPL python visualize_iteration.py --job_path ../output/short_cheetah_test --iter_num 0


python train.py --config ../config/short_ant_test.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu
MJPL python visualize_iteration.py --job_path ../output/short_ant_test --iter_num 0

Dclaw turn valve:
Note that this will not actually quite work, but might be reasonable.

python train.py --config ../config/short_dclaw_turn_test.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu
MJPL python visualize_iteration.py --job_path ../output/short_dclaw_turn_test --iter_num 0

Dclaw turn valve:
Note that this will work well but also take a while to run, because it's using ground-truth Mujoco dynamics for planning. It should take approximately 6 minutes on a standard laptop without any GPU.

python train.py --config ../config/test_dclaw_turn_gt.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu
MJPL python visualize_iteration.py --job_path ../output/dclaw_turn_gt --iter_num 0

Shadowhand in-hand cube rotation:
Note that this will work well but also take a while to run, because it's using ground-truth Mujoco dynamics for planning. It should take approximately 6 minutes on a standard laptop without any GPU.

python train.py --config ../config/test_cube_gt.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu
MJPL python visualize_iteration.py --job_path ../output/cube_gt --iter_num 0

Shadowhand Baoding balls:
Note that this will work well but also take a while to run, because it's using ground-truth Mujoco dynamics for planning. It should take approximately 20 minutes on a standard laptop without any GPU.

python train.py --config ../config/test_baoding_gt.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu
MJPL python visualize_iteration.py --job_path ../output/baoding_gt --iter_num 0

D. Run experiments


python train.py --config ../config/dclaw_turn.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu
python train.py --config ../config/baoding.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu
python train.py --config ../config/cube.txt --output_dir ../output --use_gpu

Evaluate a pre-trained model:

python eval_iteration.py --job_path ../output/dclaw_turn --iter_num 0 --num_eval_rollouts 1 --eval_run_length 40


MJPL python visualize_iteration.py --job_path ../output/dclaw_turn --eval
MJPL python visualize_iteration.py --job_path ../output/dclaw_turn --iter_num 0

Compare runs:

Plot rewards (or scores) of multiple runs on the same plot. Note that custom labels are optional:

python compare_results.py -j ../output/runA ../output/runB -l 'mycustomlabel runA' -l 'mycustomlabel runB' --plot_rew
python compare_results.py -j ../output/runA ../output/runB -l 'mycustomlabel runA' -l 'mycustomlabel runB'