
Tabular Value Iteration for Tic Tac Toe

Primary LanguagePython


valueiter.py builds a tabular value function V and then extracts the optimal policy pi for Tic Tac Toe. The value function for player X is defined with respect to an opponent that plays randomly.

It takes 5 iterations for value iteration to converge.

Requires numpy.

Sample output:

$ python valueiter.py
Loading TicTacToe states...
5478 states
Value iteration 0
4836 states updated
Value iteration 1
1063 states updated
Value iteration 2
173 states updated
Value iteration 3
15 states updated
Value iteration 4
1 states updated
Value iteration 5
Playing 2000 games against random opponent
Wins/Ties/Losses (2000 games) = 1987/13/0
Playing 2000 games against self
Wins/Ties/Losses (2000 games) = 0/2000/0