Welcome to my GitHub Page

About me

She/Her, They/Them

I'm Sabrina, professional Bioinformatician & Scientific Programmer and retro computing enthusiast.

I did my PhD in Evolutionarry Genomics at the University of East Anglia and since then have worked as a PostDoc at the Earlham Institute. Biologically, my interests and background have been in evolutionary and Population Genomics, and I focused on the role genetic exchange and gene flow play in the adaptation of organisms to dynamic environments or situations such as "evolutionary arms-races".

Now I enjoy working on all kinds of systems and problems, from assembling complex polyploid genomes and pangenomes, to downstream analyses inferring population history or functional analyses.

Highlighted work

Software projects

  • BioJulia - Software infrastructure for Genomics & Bioinformatics
  • HybridCheck - R package for scripting scans for recombination regions in sequences.