Making decision trees competitive with neural networks on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImagenet200, Imagenet
- bruno-accioli
- cfoster0
- charlesxjyangSan Francisco, California
- christopher-beckham@mila-iqia
- corlin云起科技
- cyrilou242StarTree
- Ericonaldo
- freefeynman123
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- gmittalPalo Alto, CA
- GsunshineCMU
- HaploKitGermany
- hardikudeshi
- howtocodewangShanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT)
- JacjchenRuan
- JaeDukSeo
- jf003320018TYUT
- jy1993
- KDMStrombackThe University Of Edinburgh
- kitmacleodScotland
- LaoYang1994Peking University, ZERO Lab
- lgvaz
- luochonghaiFudan University
- parasjUC Berkeley
- PkuRainBowSeniorResearcher@MicrosoftResearch
- pvasek
- reidjohnsonUnited States
- shijianjianKAUST
- shpotesGoogle
- Squishy123Toronto, CA
- srustagiUnited States
- sunnybest1990
- ultranity
- wchen258
- witranSingapore
- zhangzhan4056